raising orphans into sons and daughters
It takes a village to raise a child — which is why cherish is inviting the church family
When I first started Cherish, i was sitting in on a missionary training in the Philippines when God sowed it in my heart to start an orphanage. I was 17 years old. 8 years later I feel the calling to continue to do god’s work. Cherish was founded to do kingdom business, to share with the world that he cares, loves, and shows up. To cherish means to protect, to care for, to love.
These past two years has been focusing on building a team and investing in partnerships. I am excited for what’s to come
Cherish in the news
Cherish has been gaining global recognition of the impact its had in the Philippines. We are thankful for the international support and sponsorship we’ve received that continues to supply this ministry.

kids helping kids program

A Message from Our Founder
“Cherish is a tangible representation for His children to know that He sees, Hears, and knows.”
Joanna has a background in faith-based international development work and wanted to start a nonprofit to build orphanages and schools in underserved communities around the world. She took a great first step in that dream by opening an orphanage called Cherish near Mindanao.
Perhaps her story can inspire others to support worthy causes like hers or even launch their own.
Joanna Maniti is a philanthropist who oversees Cherish Children’s Home. She traveled to the Philippines doing crusades, outreaches, and children’s ministry.
At Cherish,